Scanner Resolution

4 Easy Steps to Test Scanner Resolution

To evaluate the scanner resolution and MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) of a digital scanner, you can follow these steps:

Prepare a Test Chart

Obtain a high-quality test chart specifically designed for evaluating scanner resolution. These charts typically consist of lines, grids, and patterns that help assess spatial frequency response.

Set Scanner Parameters

Configure the scanner settings according to your requirements. Ensure that the settings remain consistent throughout the evaluation process.

Scan the Test Chart

Place the test chart on the scanner bed and scan it using the chosen settings. Save the scanned image in a high-resolution format.

Analyze the Scanned Image:

1. Resolution Measurement: Use software or image analysis tools to measure the resolution of the scanned image. One common metric is dots per inch (DPI) or pixels per inch (PPI). The higher the DPI/PPI value, the higher the resolution.

2. Line Pairs per Millimeter (LP/mm): Calculate the number of line pairs per millimeter that can be resolved in the scanned image. This metric indicates the spatial frequency response of the scanner.

3. MTF Analysis: Apply MTF analysis on the scanned image to evaluate its sharpness and contrast performance. MTF determines how well the scanner reproduces different spatial frequencies. Higher MTF values indicate better reproduction of fine details.

Compare Results

Compare the obtained resolution, LP/mm, and MTF values with the scanner’s specifications or industry standards. This will help you assess the scanner’s performance and its ability to capture fine details.

It’s worth noting that the specific methods and tools for resolution measurement and MTF analysis may vary depending on the software and equipment available to you. Therefore, it is recommended to consult the scanner manufacturer’s documentation or professional resources for detailed instructions related to your specific scanner model.

Applied Image is a good company for standard and custom scanner targets:

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